Tutorial by Examples

function output = mymult(a, b) % MYMULT Multiply two numbers. % output = MYMULT(a, b) multiplies a and b. % % See also fft, foo, sin. % % For more information, see <a href="matlab:web('https://google.com')">Google</a>. output = a * b; end help mymult then p...
In this example, documentation for the local function baz (defined in foo.m) can be accessed either by the resulting link in help foo, or directly through help foo>baz. function bar = foo %This is documentation for FOO. % See also foo>baz % This wont be printed, because there is a line w...
It is often helpful to have MATLAB print the 1st line of a function, as this usually contains the function signature, including inputs and outputs: dbtype <functionName> 1 Example: >> dbtype fit 1 1 function [fitobj,goodness,output,warnstr,errstr,convmsg] = fit(xdatain,ydatain,f...
To document a function, it is often helpful to have an example script which uses your function. The publish function in Matlab can then be used to generate a help file with embedded pictures, code, links, etc. The syntax for documenting your code can be found here. The Function This function uses ...

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