Tutorial by Examples

As seen in "Lambda Functions", functions can take other functions as a parameter. The "function type" which you'll need to declare functions which take other functions is as follows: # Takes no parameters and returns anything () -> Any? # Takes a string and an integer a...
Lambda functions are anonymous functions which are usually created during a function call to act as a function parameter. They are declared by surrounding expressions with {braces} - if arguments are needed, these are put before an arrow ->. { name: String -> "Your name is $name&q...
We can reference a function without actually calling it by prefixing the function's name with ::. This can then be passed to a function which accepts some other function as a parameter. fun addTwo(x: Int) = x + 2 listOf(1, 2, 3, 4).map(::addTwo) # => [3, 4, 5, 6] Functions without a receiv...
Functions are declared using the fun keyword, followed by a function name and any parameters. You can also specify the return type of a function, which defaults to Unit. The body of the function is enclosed in braces {}. If the return type is other than Unit, the body must issue a return statement ...
If a function contains just one expression, we can omit the brace brackets and use an equals instead, like a variable assignment. The result of the expression is returned automatically. fun sayMyName(name: String): String = "Your name is $name"
Functions can be declared inline using the inline prefix, and in this case they act like macros in C - rather than being called, they are replaced by the function's body code at compile time. This can lead to performance benefits in some circumstances, mainly where lambdas are used as function param...
Kotlin allows us to provide implementations for a predefined set of operators with fixed symbolic representation (like + or *) and fixed precedence. To implement an operator, we provide a member function or an extension function with a fixed name, for the corresponding type. Functions that overload ...

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