Tutorial by Examples

Google maintains documentation on getting started here: https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/quickstart-console Getting ready to use GCS: Create a Google Cloud project, if you don't have one already. Enable billing for your project to allow buckets to be created. (Optional) Install the Google...
If you want to download an object from GCS that is publicly viewable, the simplest way is to use a web browser or a command line tool to fetch a URL with this pattern: https://storage.googleapis.com/bucketName/objectName. Example: https://storage.googleapis.com/pub/someOfTheTeam.jpg
Import needed libraries: from gcloud import storage Define needed variables: Client: Bundles the configuration needed for API requests client = storage.Client() Optional params for Client(): project: the project which the client acts on behalf of. Will be passed when creating a topic. If...

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