With a column of one of the string types, named my_date_field with a value such as [the string] 07/25/2016, the following statement demonstrates the use of the STR_TO_DATE function:
SELECT STR_TO_DATE(my_date_field, '%m/%d/%Y') FROM my_table;
You could use this function as part of WHERE clause a...
SUBSTRING (or equivalent: SUBSTR) returns the substring starting from the specified position and, optionally, with the specified length
Syntax: SUBSTRING(str, start_position)
SELECT SUBSTRING('foobarbaz', 4); -- 'barbaz'
SELECT SUBSTRING('foobarbaz' FROM 4); -- 'barbaz'
-- using negative index...
Return the length of the string in bytes. Since some characters may be encoded using more than one byte, if you want the length in characters see CHAR_LENGTH()
Syntax: LENGTH(str)
LENGTH('foobar') -- 6
LENGTH('fööbar') -- 8 -- contrast with CHAR_LENGTH(...) = 6
Return the number of characters in the string
Syntax: CHAR_LENGTH(str)
CHAR_LENGTH('foobar') -- 6
CHAR_LENGTH('fööbar') -- 6 -- contrast with LENGTH(...) = 8
Convert the argument to hexadecimal. This is used for strings.
HEX('fööbar') -- 66F6F6626172 -- in "CHARACTER SET latin1" because "F6" is hex for ö
HEX('fööbar') -- 66C3B6C3B6626172 -- in "CHARACTER SET utf8 or utf8mb4" because "C3B6" is hex for ö