Tutorial by Examples

using System; using Xamarin.Forms; namespace NavigationApp { public class App : Application { public App() { MainPage = new NavigationPage(new FirstPage()); } } public class FirstPage : ContentPage { Label FirstPage...
App.xaml.cs file (App.xaml file is default, so skipped) using Xamrin.Forms namespace NavigationApp { public partial class App : Application { public static INavigation GlobalNavigation { get; private set; } public App() { InitializeComponent()...
By default, the navigation pattern works like a stack of pages, calling the newest pages over the previous pages. You will need to use the NavigationPage object for this. Pushing new pages ... public class App : Application { public App() { MainPage = new NavigationPage(new ...
Modal pages can created in three ways: From NavigationPage object for full screen pages For Alerts and Notifications For ActionSheets that are pop-ups menus Full screen modals ... // to open await Navigation.PushModalAsync(new ModalPage()); // to close await Navigation.PopModalAsync(); ...
public class App : Application { internal static NavigationPage NavPage; public App () { // The root page of your application MainPage = new RootPage(); } } public class RootPage : MasterDetailPage { public RootPage() { var menuPage = ne...
The code below shows how to perform asynchronous navigation when the app is in a MasterDetailPage context. public async Task NavigateMasterDetail(Page page) { if (page == null) { return; } var masterDetail = App.Current.MainPage as Mas...

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