Tutorial by Examples

The Singleton pattern is a design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to one object. After the first object is created, it will return the reference to the same one whenever called for an object. var Singleton = (function () { // instance stores a reference to the Singlet...
Module Pattern The Module pattern is a creational and structural design pattern which provides a way of encapsulating private members while producing a public API. This is accomplished by creating an IIFE which allows us to define variables only available in its scope (through closure) while return...
The prototype pattern focuses on creating an object that can be used as a blueprint for other objects through prototypal inheritance. This pattern is inherently easy to work with in JavaScript because of the native support for prototypal inheritance in JS which means we don't need to spend time or e...
A factory function is simply a function that returns an object. Factory functions do not require the use of the new keyword, but can still be used to initialize an object, like a constructor. Often, factory functions are used as API wrappers, like in the cases of jQuery and moment.js, so users do ...
'Prefer composition over inheritance' is an important and popular programming principle, used to assign behaviors to objects, as opposed to inheriting many often unneeded behaviors. Behaviour factories var speaker = function (state) { var noise = state.noise || 'grunt'; return { ...
The Abstract Factory Pattern is a creational design pattern that can be used to define specific instances or classes without having to specify the exact object that is being created. function Car() { this.name = "Car"; this.wheels = 4; } function Truck() { this.name = "Truck"; ...

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