Tutorial by Examples

Detailed instructions on getting stripe-payments set up or installed.
Register a production/sandbox account at https://dashboard.stripe.com/register Insert below code into your webpage where you want to have a checkout button. <form action="/charge" method="POST"> <script src="https://checkout.stripe.com/checkout.js" cl...
An example how to run stripe out of the box with wsgi from a single file. At first, please install the python stripe API, i.e. with pip: pip install --user stripe Create payment.py which creates a WSGI webserver at port 8000 out of the box html = """ <html> <body> ...
A typical payment flow with Stripe can be divided in two steps: Client-side, in your frontend (HTML + Javascript) code, you collect the customer's payment information using Stripe's prebuilt Checkout form or Elements form field(s). This will return a token that you then send to your server. ...

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