Tutorial by Examples

Redis is an in-memory remote database that offers high performance, replication, and a unique data model to produce a platform for solving problems. Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure , used as database, cache and message broker. It is categorized as a NoSQL key-value s...
redis-cli is the Redis command line interface program that allows to send commands to Redis and read the replies sent by the server, directly from the terminal. Basic command line usage is below: Access to redis: $ redis-cli> Access to redis with authentication: $ redis-cli ...
First you need to install and start your Redis server, check the link below that can help you to install redis on you server or local machine. Installation and Setup Now open your command prompt and run command redis-cli : To save first set >SET 'keyname' then 'value'> SET h...
It is simple to start using Redis using docker: docker pull redis docker run -p 6379:6379 --rm --name redis redis Now you have running instance on port 6397 Attention: All data will be deleted, when Redis will be stopped. To connect the redis-cli, start another docker: docker run -it --link ...
Redis has a Windows port provided by 'Microsoft Open Technologies'. You can use the msi installer found on: https://github.com/MSOpenTech/redis/releases After installation completes you can see 'Redis' is a Windows service (and it's status should be "Started") To write an 'Hello world'...

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