Tutorial by Examples

Tuples are ordered lists of values of any type. (True, "Hello!", 42) It is impossible to change the structure of a Tuple or update the value. Tuples in Elm are considered a primitive data type, which means that you don't need to import any modules to use Tuples. Accessing values Bas...
Dictionaries are implemented in a Dict core library. A dictionary mapping unique keys to values. The keys can be any comparable type. This includes Int, Float, Time, Char, String, and tuples or lists of comparable types. Insert, remove, and query operations all take O(log n) time. Unlike Tu...
Record is a set of key-value pairs. greeter = { isMorning: True , greeting: "Good morning!" } It is impossible to access a value by an non-existent key. It is impossible to dynamically modify Record's structure. Records only allow you to update values by constant keys....

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