Tutorial by Examples

A model can also be added to the partial view : @model Solution.Project.Namespace.MyModelClass <p>@Model.Property</p> In the View you can now just use: <div> @Html.Partial("PartialViewExample", new MyModelClass(){Property="my property value"}) <...
Calling the function string InvoiceHtml = myFunction.RenderPartialViewToString("PartialInvoiceCustomer", ToInvoice); // ToInvoice is a model, you can pass parameters if needed Function to generate HTML public static string RenderPartialViewToString(string viewName, object model) { ...
Html.Partial returns a string on the other hand Html.RenderPartial returns void. Html.RenderPartial This method returns void and the result is directly written to the HTTP response stream. That means it uses the same TextWriter object used in the current webpage/template. For this reason, this me...

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