Tutorial by Examples

From the official documentation: Gradle. dependencies { compile "com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.5.2" } Maven: <dependency> <groupId>com.squareup.picasso</groupId> <artifactId>picasso</artifactId> <version>2.5.2</version> </dep...
Picasso supports both download and error placeholders as optional features. Its also provides callbacks for handling the download result. Picasso.with(context) .load("YOUR IMAGE URL HERE") .placeholder(Your Drawable Resource) //this is optional the image to display while the url i...
Picasso.with(context) .load("YOUR IMAGE URL HERE") .placeholder(DRAWABLE RESOURCE) // optional .error(DRAWABLE RESOURCE) // optional .resize(width, height) // optional .rotate(degree) // optional .in...
Here is an example Picasso Circle Transform class based on the original, with the addition of a thin border, and also includes functionality for an optional separator for stacking: import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.BitmapShader; import android.graphics.Canvas; import androi...
Picasso.with(context) .load(uri) .networkPolicy(NetworkPolicy.NO_CACHE) .memoryPolicy(MemoryPolicy.NO_CACHE) .placeholder(R.drawable.placeholder) .into(imageView);
String filename = "image.png"; String imagePath = getExternalFilesDir() + "/" + filename; Picasso.with(context) .load(new File(imagePath)) .into(imageView);
If you want to Download image as Bitmap using Picasso following code will help you: Picasso.with(mContext) .load(ImageUrl) .into(new Target() { @Override public void onBitmapLoaded(Bitmap bitmap, Picasso.LoadedFrom from) { // Todo: Do some...
In certain cases we need to cancel an image download request in Picasso before the download has completed. This could happen for various reasons, for example if the parent view transitioned to some other view before the image download could be completed. In this case, you can cancel the image down...
Using Picasso as ImageGetter for Html.fromHtml public class PicassoImageGetter implements Html.ImageGetter { private TextView textView; private Picasso picasso; public PicassoImageGetter(@NonNull Picasso picasso, @NonNull TextView textView) { this.picasso = picasso; this.textView...
first add the OkHttp to the gradle build file of the app module compile 'com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.5.2' compile 'com.squareup.okhttp:okhttp:2.4.0' compile 'com.jakewharton.picasso:picasso2-okhttp3-downloader:1.0.2' Then make a class extending Application import android.app.Application; ...

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