Tutorial by Examples

Fourier Transform is probably the first lesson in Digital Signal Processing, it's application is everywhere and it is a powerful tool when it comes to analyze data (in all sectors) or signals. Matlab has a set of powerful toolboxes for Fourier Transform. In this example, we will use Fourier Transfor...
One of the major benefit of Fourier Transform is its ability to inverse back in to the Time Domain without losing information. Let us consider the same Signal we used in the previous example: A1=10; % Amplitude 1 A2=10; % Amplitude 2 w1=2*pi*0.2; % Angular f...
In medical imaging, spectroscopy, image processing, cryptography and other areas of science and engineering it is often the case that one wishes to compute multidimensional Fourier transforms of images. This is quite straightforward in Matlab: (multidimensional) images are just n-dimensional matrice...

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