Tutorial by Examples

The JSONSerialization class is built into Apple's Foundation framework. 2.2 Read JSON The JSONObjectWithData function takes NSData, and returns AnyObject. You can use as? to convert the result to your expected type. do { guard let jsonData = "[\"Hello\", \"JSON\"]&q...
SwiftyJSON is a Swift framework built to remove the need for optional chaining in normal JSON serialization. You can download it here: https://github.com/SwiftyJSON/SwiftyJSON Without SwiftyJSON, your code would look like this to find the name of the first book in a JSON object: if let jsonObject...
Freddy is a JSON parsing library maintained by Big Nerd Ranch. It has three principal benefits: Type Safety: Helps you work with sending and receiving JSON in a way that prevents runtime crashes. Idiomatic: Takes advantage of Swift's generics, enumerations, and functional features, without...
Arrow is an elegant JSON parsing library in Swift. It allows to parse JSON and map it to custom model classes with help of an <-- operator: identifier <-- json["id"] name <-- json["name"] stats <-- json["stats"] Example: Swift model struct Profile {...
Even if third-party libraries are good, a simple way to parse the JSON is provided by protocols You can imagine you have got an object Todo as struct Todo { let comment: String } Whenever you receive the JSON, you can handle the plain NSData as shown in the other example using NSJSONSeria...
Here is the JSON File we will be using called animals.json { "Sea Animals": [ { "name": "Fish", "question": "How many species of fish are there?" }, { "name": "Sharks", ...

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