Tutorial by Examples

Long-running operations must not be run on the JavaFX application thread, since this prevents JavaFX from updating the UI, resulting in a frozen UI. Furthermore any change to a Node that is part of a "live" scene graph must happen on the JavaFX application thread. Platform.runLater can be...
The following code makes the UI unresponsive for a short while after the button click, since too many Platform.runLater calls are used. (Try scrolling the ListView immediately after the button click.) @Override public void start(Stage primaryStage) { ObservableList<Integer> data = FXCol...
Instead of running intensive tasks into JavaFX Thread that should be done into a Service.So what basically is a Service? A Service is a class which is creating a new Thread every time you are starting it and is passing a Task to it to do some work.The Service can return or not a value. Below is ...

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