Tutorial by Examples

Worksheets in excel have three options for the Visible property. These options are represented by constants in the xlSheetVisibility enumeration and are as follows: xlVisible or xlSheetVisible value: -1 (the default for new sheets) xlHidden or xlSheetHidden value: 0 xlVeryHidden xlSheetVeryHidd...
We know that 'best practise' dictates that a range object should have its parent worksheet explicitly referenced. A worksheet can be referred to by its .Name property, numerical .Index property or its .CodeName property but a user can reorder the worksheet queue by simply dragging a name tab or rena...
Using Dynamic Arrays in VBA can be quite clunky and time intensive over very large data sets. When storing simple data types in a dynamic array (Strings, Numbers, Booleans etc.), one can avoid the ReDim Preserve statements required of dynamic arrays in VBA by using the Split() function with some cl...
By default, Shapes in Excel do not have a specific way to handle single vs. double clicks, containing only the "OnAction" property to allow you to handle clicks. However, there may be instances where your code requires you to act differently (or exclusively) on a double click. The follow...
This subroutine is a quick example on how to allow a user to select multiple files and then do something with those file paths, such as get the file names and send it to the console via debug.print. Option Explicit Sub OpenMultipleFiles() Dim fd As FileDialog Dim fileChosen As Integer ...

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