Tutorial by Examples


To set the options - use :set instruction. Example: :set ts=4 :set shiftwidth=4 :set expandtab :set autoindent To view the current value of the option - type :set {option}?. Example: :set ts? To reset the value of the option to its default - type :set {option}&. Example: :set ts&...
Width To make indentations 4 spaces wide: :set shiftwidth=4 Spaces To use spaces as indents, 4 spaces wide: :set expandtab :set softtabstop=4 softtabstop and sts are equivalent: :set sts=4 Tabs To use tabs as indents, 4 spaces wide: :set noexpandtab :set tabstop=4 tabstop and ts...
Show or hide invisible characters To show invisible characters: :set list To hide invisible characters: :set nolist To toggle between showing and hiding invisible characters: :set list! Default symbol characters SymbolCharacter^ITab$New Line Customize symbols To set the tab characte...

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