Tutorial by Examples

The partial function creates partial function application from another function. It is used to bind values to some of the function's arguments (or keyword arguments) and produce a callable without the already defined arguments. >>> from functools import partial >>> unhex = partia...
When we want to create an orderable class, normally we need to define the methods __eq()__, __lt__(), __le__(), __gt__() and __ge__(). The total_ordering decorator, applied to a class, permits the definition of __eq__() and only one between __lt__(), __le__(), __gt__() and __ge__(), and still allow...
In Python 3.x, the reduce function already explained here has been removed from the built-ins and must now be imported from functools. from functools import reduce def factorial(n): return reduce(lambda a, b: (a*b), range(1, n+1))
The @lru_cache decorator can be used wrap an expensive, computationally-intensive function with a Least Recently Used cache. This allows function calls to be memoized, so that future calls with the same parameters can return instantly instead of having to be recomputed. @lru_cache(maxsize=None) # ...
Python changed it's sorting methods to accept a key function. Those functions take a value and return a key which is used to sort the arrays. Old comparison functions used to take two values and return -1, 0 or +1 if the first argument is small, equal or greater than the second argument respectivel...

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