Tutorial by Examples

CREATE [OR REPLACE] PROCEDURE procedure_name [(parameter_name [IN | OUT | IN OUT] type [, ...])] {IS | AS} < declarations > BEGIN < procedure_body > EXCEPTION -- Exception-handling part begins <exception handling goes here > WHEN exception1 THE...
The following simple procedure displays the text "Hello World" in a client that supports dbms_output. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE helloworld AS BEGIN dbms_output.put_line('Hello World!'); END; / You need to execute this at the SQL prompt to create the procedure in the database,...
PL/SQL uses IN, OUT, IN OUT keywords to define what can happen to a passed parameter. IN specifies that the parameter is read only and the value cannot be changed by the procedure. OUT specifies the parameter is write only and a procedure can assign a value to it, but not reference the value. IN ...

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