Tutorial by Examples

Components are simply instances that implement the Ashley component class. import com.badlogic.ashley.core.Component; import com.badlogic.ashley.core.ComponentMapper; public class Position implements Component { public static final ComponentMapper<Position> Map = ...
Entity systems are how you perform functional operations on sets of entities. Components should typically not have logic associated with them that involves awareness of data or state of other component instances, as that is the job of an entity system. An entity system can not be registered to mor...
A simple EntitySystem that processes each entity of a given family in the order specified by a comparator and calls processEntity() for each entity every time the EntitySystem is updated. This is really just a convenience class as rendering systems tend to iterate over a list of entities in a sort...
A simple EntitySystem that processes a Family of entities not once per frame, but after a given interval. Entity processing logic should be placed in processEntity(Entity). For more info, please see IntervalIteratingSystem In the below code example, the best usage for this is the physics world ...

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