Tutorial by Examples

F# allows functions to be added as "members" to types when they are defined (for example, Record Types). However F# also allows new instance members to be added to existing types - even ones declared elsewhere and in other .net languages. The following example adds a new instance method D...
F# allow existing types to be extended with new static functions. type System.String with static member EqualsCaseInsensitive (a, b) = String.Equals(a, b, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) This new function can be invoked like this: let x = String.EqualsCaseInsensitive("abc", &...
Modules can be used to add new functions to existing Modules and Types. namespace FSharp.Collections module List = let pair item1 item2 = [ item1; item2 ] The new function can then be called as if it was an original member of List. open FSharp.Collections module Testing = le...

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