Tutorial by Examples

In XAML: <RadioButton IsChecked="{Binding EntityValue, Mode=TwoWay, Converter={StaticResource StringToIsCheckedConverter}, ConverterParameter=Male}" Content="Male"/> <RadioButton IsChecked="{Bindi...
XAML controls may have dependency properties that can be bound to objects from DataContext or other controls. When the type of the object being bound is different from the type of the target DependencyProperty, a converter may be used to adapt one type to another. Converters are classes implementin...
To extend and expand upon the binding experience we have converters to convert one a value of one type into another value of another type. To leverage Converters in a Databinding you first need to create a DataConverter class tht extens either IValueConverter(WPF & UWP) or IMultiVal...

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