Tutorial by Examples

CommandDescriptionCtrl+EScroll one line down.Ctrl+DScroll half a screen down (configurable using the scroll option).Ctrl+FScroll a full screen down.z+Draw the first line below the window at the top of the window.
CommandDescriptionCtrl+YScroll one line up.Ctrl+UScroll half a screen up (configurable using the scroll option).Ctrl+BScroll a full screen up.z^Draw the first line above the window at the bottom of the window.
CommandDescriptionzRedraw current line at the top of the window and put the cursor on the first non-blank character on the line.ztLike z but leave the cursor in the same column.z.Redraw current line at the center of the window and put the cursor on the first non-blank character on the line.zzLike z....

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