Tutorial by Examples

When an HTTP server receives a well-formed HTTP request, it must process the information that request contains and return a response to the client. A simple HTTP 1.1 response, may look like any of the following, usually followed by a number of header fields, and possibly a response body: HTTP/1.1 2...
Like an HTTP request, an HTTP response may include additional headers to modify or augment the response it provides. A full list of available headers is defined in §6.2 of the specification. The most commonly-used headers are: Server, which functions like a User-Agent request header for the serv...
As with request bodies, HTTP responses may contain a message body. This provides additional data that the client will process. Notably, 200 OK responses to a well-formed GET request should always provide a message body containing the requested data. (If there is none, 204 No Content is a more approp...

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