Tutorial by Examples

In Vue.js, every component instance has its own isolated scope, which means that if a parent component has a child component - the child component has its own isolated scope and the parent component has its own isolated scope. For any medium to large size app, following best practices conventions p...
Just as you're able to bind data from a view to the model, you can also bind props using the same v-bind directive for passing information from parent to child components. JS new Vue({ el: '#example', data: { msg: 'hello world' } }); Vue.component('child', { props:...
We have a parent component: Importing a child component in it we'll pass props via an attribute. Here the attribute is 'src' and we're passing the 'src' too. ParentComponent.js import ChildComponent from './ChildComponent'; export default { render(h, {props}) { const src = 'https://...

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