Tutorial by Examples

There are hundreds of settings that can be placed in my.cnf. For the 'lite' user of MySQL, they won't matter as much. Once your database becomes non-trivial, it is advisable to set the following parameters: innodb_buffer_pool_size This should be set to about 70% of available RAM (if you have a...
If you need to store images or videos in the column then we need to change the value as needed by your application max_allowed_packet = 10M M is Mb, G in Gb, K in Kb
group_concat is used to concatenate non-null values in a group. The maximum length of the resulting string can be set using the group_concat_max_len option: SET [GLOBAL | SESSION] group_concat_max_len = val; Setting the GLOBAL variable will ensure a permanent change, whereas setting the SESSION ...
This is a bare minimum setup for MySQL servers using InnoDB tables. Using InnoDB, query cache is not required. Reclaim disk space when a table or database is DROPed. If you're using SSDs, flushing is a redundant operation (SDDs are not sequential). default_storage_engine = InnoDB query_cache_type ...
The default encryption aes-128-ecb uses Electronic Codebook (ECB) mode, which is insecure and should never be used. Instead, add the following to your configuration file: block_encryption_mode = aes-256-cbc

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