Tutorial by Examples

SELECT ps.name AS PartitionScheme , fg.name AS [FileGroup] , prv.* , LAG(prv.Value) OVER (PARTITION BY ps.name ORDER BY ps.name, boundary_id) AS PreviousBoundaryValue FROM sys.partition_schemes ps INNER JOIN sys.destination_data...
According to this [TechNet Microsoft page][1], Partitioning data enables you to manage and access subsets of your data quickly and efficiently while maintaining the integrity of the entire data collection. When you call the following query the data is not physically moved; only the metadata ab...
SELECT DISTINCT object_name(i.object_id) AS [Object Name], c.name AS [Partition Column], s.name AS [Partition Scheme], pf.name AS [Partition Function], prv.tot AS [Partition Count], prv.miVal AS [Min Boundry Value], prv.maVal AS [Max Boundry Value] FROM sys.object...

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