Tutorial by Examples

The Help Class encapsulates the HTML Help 1.0 engine. You can use the Help object to show compiled Help files (.chm) or HTML files in the HTML Help format. Compiled Help files provide table of contents, index, search, and keyword links in pages. Shortcuts work only in compiled Help files. You can ge...
You can provide help for message box in different ways. You can configure a MessageBox to show a Help button or not. Also you can configure MessageBox in a way that when the user requests for help by click on Help button or by pressing F1, it show a CHM file or navigate to a URL or perform a custom ...
You can provide help for OpenFileDialog, SaveFileDialog and ColorDialog. To do so set ShowHelp property of dialog to true and handle HelpRequest event for dialog: void openFileDialog1_HelpRequest(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Perform custom action Help.ShowHelp(this, "Http://examp...
When a user press F1 on a control or click on Help button of form (?) and then clicks on a control the HelpRequested event will be raised. You can handle this event to provide custom action when user requests help for controls or form. The HelpRequested supports bubble up mechanism. It fires for y...
You can use Help class in code, to provide these kinds of help: Show a help pop-up for a control Open a CHM file based on context (Show table of content, Show a keyword or index, show a topic) Navigate to a URL using default browser Show Help pop-up window You can use Help.ShowPopup to disp...
You can show a Help Button at title-bar of a Form. To do so, you should: Set HelpButton property of form to true. Set MinimizeBox and MaximizeBox to false. Then a help button will appear on title-bar of Form: Also when you click on Help button, the cursor will be changed to a ? cursor: ...
If you have a Form with MinimizeBox and MaximizeBox set to true, then you can not show Help button on title-bar of Form and will lose the feature of click on help button to convert it to help cursor to be able to click on controls to show help. You can make a menu item on MenuStrip act like standar...
You can detect when a user Clicked on a HelpButton on title-bar of form by handling HelpButtonClicked. You can let the event continue or cancel it by setting Cancel property of its event args to true. private void Form1_HelpButtonClicked(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { e.Cancel = true; ...

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