Tutorial by Examples

This example connects to a Wi-Fi access point with WEP encryption, given an SSID and the password. public boolean ConnectToNetworkWEP(String networkSSID, String password) { try { WifiConfiguration conf = new WifiConfiguration(); conf.SSID = "\"" + networkSSID ...
This example connects to a Wi-Fi access point with WPA2 encryption. public boolean ConnectToNetworkWPA(String networkSSID, String password) { try { WifiConfiguration conf = new WifiConfiguration(); conf.SSID = "\"" + networkSSID + "\""; // Please note th...
This example scans for available access points and ad hoc networks. btnScan activates a scan initiated by the WifiManager.startScan() method. After the scan, WifiManager calls the SCAN_RESULTS_AVAILABLE_ACTION intent and the WifiScanReceiver class processes the scan result. The results are displaye...

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