Tutorial by Examples

Creating a managed table with partition and stored as a sequence file. The data format in the files is assumed to be field-delimited by Ctrl-A (^A) and row-delimited by newline. The below table is created in hive warehouse directory specified in value for the key hive.metastore.warehouse.dir in the ...
Creating a database in a particular location. If we dont specify any location for database its created in warehouse directory. CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS db_name COMMENT 'TEST DATABASE' LOCATION /PATH/HDFS/DATABASE/;
ACID tables are supported since hive 0.14 version. Below table supports UPDATE/DELETE/INSERT Below configuration changes required in hive-site.xml. hive.support.concurrency = true hive.enforce.bucketing = true hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode = nonstrict hive.txn.manager =org.apache.hadoop...
Hive-Hbase integration is supported since below versions. Hive: 0.11.0 HBase: 0.94.2 Hadoop: 0.20.2 CREATE TABLE hbase_hive (id string, col1 string, col2 string, col3 int) STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler' WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ("hbase.columns.mapping&q...
CREATE TABLE new_table_name LIKE existing_table_name;

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