Tutorial by Examples

An indeterminate ProgressBar shows a cyclic animation without an indication of progress. Basic indeterminate ProgressBar (spinning wheel) <ProgressBar android:id="@+id/progressBar" android:indeterminate="true" android:layout_width="wrap_content" ...
A determinate ProgressBar shows the current progress towards a specific maximum value. Horizontal determinate ProgressBar <ProgressBar android:id="@+id/progressBar" android:indeterminate="false" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout...
CustomProgressBarActivity.java: public class CustomProgressBarActivity extends AppCompatActivity { private TextView txtProgress; private ProgressBar progressBar; private int pStatus = 0; private Handler handler = new Handler(); @Override protected void onCreate(Bun...
Using an AppCompat theme, the ProgressBar's color will be the colorAccent you have defined. 5.0 To change the ProgressBar color without changing the accent color you can use theandroid:theme attribute overriding the accent color: <ProgressBar android:theme="@style/MyProgress" ...
According to Material Documentation: A linear progress indicator should always fill from 0% to 100% and never decrease in value. It should be represented by bars on the edge of a header or sheet that appear and disappear. To use a material Linear ProgressBar just use in your xml: <Progres...
By Creating Custom Progress Dialog class, the dialog can be used to show in UI instance, without recreating the dialog. First Create a Custom Progress Dialog Class. CustomProgress.java public class CustomProgress { public static CustomProgress customProgress = null; private Dialog m...

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