Tutorial by Examples

Variables in Visual Basic are declared using the Dim keyword. For example, this declares a new variable called counter with the data type Integer: Dim counter As Integer A variable declaration can also include an access modifier, such as Public, Protected, Friend, or Private. This works in conju...
Local variables - Those declared within a procedure (subroutine or function) of a class (or other structure). In this example, exampleLocalVariable is a local variable declared within ExampleFunction(): Public Class ExampleClass1 Public Function ExampleFunction() As Integer Dim exa...
In the following example consider you have a solution hosting two projects: ConsoleApplication1 and SampleClassLibrary. The first project will have the classes SampleClass1 and SampleClass2. The second one will have SampleClass3 and SampleClass4. In other words we have two assemblies with two classe...

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