Tutorial by Examples

This deployment guide assumes you're using an Ubuntu server, and are either self-hosting or using an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provider, such as Amazon Web Services or Rackspace. Your Ubuntu server needs to be running a daemon for launching other apps, for which we recommend the Upstart ser...
One favored approach to deploying to a server is to use Git or GitHub. This basically involves logging into your server, moving to the directory you want to run your app from, then cloning your files directly from GitHub. You then build your app on the server. This approach ensures that platform spe...
Alternatively, you may want to build your application, and then deploy it.. cd myapp meteor build --directory ../output cd .. scp output -r username@destination_host:/var/www/myapp-production
You'll need an upstart script in your /etc/init/ directory. Name it with your app's name, ending in .conf, such as /etc/init/myapp.conf. The basic upstart script looks something like this: ## /etc/init/myapp.conf description "myapp.mydomain.com" author "[email protected]&quot...
If you're running a replica set or have a need to shard your database, you'll want an upstart script that looks something like this: # /etc/init/myapp.conf description "myapp.mydomain.com" author "[email protected]" # used to be: start on startup # until we found som...
Finally, you'll need to start the Upstart daemon, and initialize your app as a service. sudo service myapp start
https://www.phusionpassenger.com/ https://github.com/phusion/passenger https://github.com/phusion/passenger/wiki/Phusion-Passenger:-Meteor-tutorial#wiki-installing

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