Tutorial by Examples

Vuex is an official plugin for Vue.js which offers a centralised datastore for use within your application. It is heavily influenced by the Flux application architecture which features a unidirectional data flow leading to simpler application design and reasoning. Within a Vuex application the data...
When building large applications such as Single Page Apps (SPA's), which typically consist of many reusable components they can quickly become difficult to build and maintain. The sharing of data and state between these components can also quickly break down and become difficult to debug and maintai...
Most of the time that you'll be using Vuex will be in larger component based applications where you likely be using a module bundler such as Webpack or Browserify in conjunction with Vueify if you're using single files. In this case the easiest way to get Vuex is from NPM. Run the command below to ...
This example will register an vuex module dynamically for storing custom notifications that can automatically dismissed notifications.js resolve vuex store and define some constants //Vuex store previously configured on other side import _store from 'path/to/store'; //Notification default dur...

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