Tutorial by Examples

Const zipCode As Long = 10012 Dim zipCodeText As String 'Convert the zipCode number to a string of digit characters zipCodeText = CStr(zipCode) 'zipCodeText = "10012"
Const zipCode As long = 10012 Dim zeroPaddedNumber As String zeroPaddedZipCode = Format(zipCode, "00000000") 'zeroPaddedNumber = "00010012"
'Declare an array of bytes, assign single-byte character codes, and convert to a string Dim singleByteChars(4) As Byte singleByteChars(0) = 72 singleByteChars(1) = 101 singleByteChars(2) = 108 singleByteChars(3) = 108 singleByteChars(4) = 111 Dim stringFromSingleByteChars As String stringFro...
'Declare an array of bytes, assign multi-byte character codes, and convert to a string Dim multiByteChars(9) As Byte multiByteChars(0) = 87 multiByteChars(1) = 0 multiByteChars(2) = 111 multiByteChars(3) = 0 multiByteChars(4) = 114 multiByteChars(5) = 0 multiByteChars(6) = 108 multiByteChar...

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