Tutorial by Examples

Command line You can use cpan to install modules directly from the command line: cpan install DBI This would be followed by possibly many pages of output describing exactly what it is doing to install the module. Depending on the modules being installed, it may pause and ask you questions. Int...
If you don't have permissions to install perl modules, you may still install them manually, indicating a custom path where you've got writing permissions. Fist, download and unzip module archive: wget module.tar.gz tar -xzf module.tar.gz cd module Then, if the module distribution contains a M...
Usage To install a module (assuming cpanm is already installed): cpanm Data::Section cpanm ("cpanminus") strives to be less verbose than cpan but still captures all of the installation information in a log file in case it is needed. It also handles many "interactive questions&quo...

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