Tutorial by Examples

NHibernate uses classes to map into tables or views. Creating a Plain Old CLR Object (POCOs, sometimes called Plain Ordinary CLR Objects) is a good practice for persistent classes. A POCO has its data accessible through the standard .NET property mechanisms, shielding the internal representation fro...
The xml mapping uses a hbm.xml file which is a hibernate mapping file. It is a syntax xml file which contains the metadata required for the object/relational mapping. The metadata includes declaration of persistent classes and the mapping of properties (to columns and foreign key relationships to ot...
The Fluent NHibernate is a library to help you to map the entities using C# code instead of xml mappings. Fluent NHibernate uses the fluent pattern and it is based on conventions to create the mappings and it gives you the power of the visual studio tools (such as intellisense) to improve the way yo...

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