Tutorial by Examples

The following example demonstrates a simple HTTP GET request. http.get() returns an Observable which has the method subscribe. This one appends the returned data to the posts array. var posts = [] getPosts(http: Http):void { this.http.get(`https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts`) ...
It may be a good idea to encapsulate the HTTP handling logic in its own class. The following class exposes a method for getting Posts. It calls the http.get() method and calls .map on the returned Observable to convert the Response object to a Post object. import {Injectable} from "@angular/co...
One common scenario is to wait for a number of requests to finish before continuing. This can be accomplished using the forkJoin method. In the following example, forkJoin is used to call two methods that return Observables. The callback specified in the .subscribe method will be called when both O...

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