Tutorial by Examples

Installing Appcelerator Titanium At first we need to set up Titanium: command-line tools (CLI) to compile the apps the MVC framework Alloy the SDK The main parts are installed using the node.js package manager 'npm'. Check https://nodejs.org/ if you need to install it. Linux (Fedora) If y...
Goto https://atom.io/ and install the atom editor. Then install some Atom packages for easier Titanium coding: NameTypeFeaturestitanium language javascriptLanguageJS Autocomplete (non alloy)Titanium Alloyadd-onAll-in-one packageJump to definitionOpen relatedTSS HighlightTi-Createadd-onCreate proje...
We are just creating an empty Alloy app using CLI and Atom. Open a new terminal and add the following: ti create --id com.test -d . -n APPNAME -p all -t app -u http://migaweb.de cd APPNAME/ alloy new This will create a basic app (name: APPNAME, bundle identifier: com.test, type: app, platform...
There are several ways to compile your app. You can use the simulator/emulator, deploy it to your device or create store apk's/ipa's. There is also a live test tool (TiShadow) which saves you a lot of time waiting for the compiler. cli way # android to device ti build -p android -T device # a...

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