Tutorial by Examples

A Scripting Dictionary object stores information in Key/Item pairs. The Keys must be unique and not an array but the associated Items can be repeated (their uniqueness is held by the companion Key) and can be of any type of variant or object. A dictionary can be thought of as a two field in-memory ...
Dictionaries are great for managing information where multiple entries occur, but you are only concerned with a single value for each set of entries — the first or last value, the mininmum or maximum value, an average, a sum etc. Consider a workbook that holds a log of user activity, with a script ...
The Dictionary allows getting a unique set of values very simply. Consider the following function: Function Unique(values As Variant) As Variant() 'Put all the values as keys into a dictionary Dim dict As New Scripting.Dictionary Dim val As Variant For Each val In values ...

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