Tutorial by Examples

To add EntityFrameworkCore to your project, update the project.json file (add new lines into the dependencies and tools sections): "dependencies": { ... "Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer": "1.0.0", "Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer.Des...
Okay it took me about a day to figure it out so here I am posting the steps I followed to get my Database First working in a Class Project (.NET Core), with a .NET Core Web App. Step 1 - Install .NET Core Make Sure you are using .NET Core not DNX (Hint: You should be able to see the .NET Core opti...
Model With EF Core, data access is performed using a model. A model is made up of entity classes and a derived context that represents a session with the database, allowing you to query and save data. You can generate a model from an existing database, hand code a model to match your database, or ...

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