Tutorial by Examples

Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is a Java-based file system that provides scalable and reliable data storage that is designed to span large clusters of commodity servers. HDFS, MapReduce, and YARN form the core of Apache™ Hadoop®. HDFS is designed to be highly fault-tolerant, which is achieve...
To find a file in the Hadoop Distributed file system: hdfs dfs -ls -R / | grep [search_term] In the above command, -ls is for listing files -R is for recursive(iterate through sub directories) / means from the root directory | to pipe the output of first command to the second grep command t...
Block Size and Blocks in HDFS : HDFS has the concept of storing data in blocks whenever a file is loaded. Blocks are the physical partitions of data in HDFS ( or in any other filesystem, for that matter ). Whenever a file is loaded onto the HDFS, it is splitted physically (yes, the file is divi...

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