Tutorial by Examples

My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile("ftp://server.my/myfile.txt", "donwloaded_file.txt") This command download myfile.txt file from server named server.my and saves it as donwloaded_file.txt into working directory. You can specify absolute path for downloaded file.
My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile("ftp://srv.my/myfile.txt", "donwload.txt", "Peter", "1234") This command download myfile.txt file from server named srv.my and saves it as donwload.txt into working directory. You can specify absolute path for downloaded fil...
My.Computer.Network.UploadFile("example.txt", "ftp://server.my/server_example.txt") This command upload example.txt file from working directory (you could specify absolute path if you want) to server named server.my. File stored on the server will be named server_example.txt. ...
My.Computer.Network.UploadFile("doc.txt", "ftp://server.my/on_server.txt", "Peter", "1234") This command upload doc.txt file from working directory (you could specify absolute path if you want) to server named server.my. File stored on the server will be na...

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