Tutorial by Examples

To install dplyr simply type in the R console. install.packages("dplyr") And then to load dplyr, type library("dplyr") It's also possible to install the latest development version from Github with: if (packageVersion("devtools") < 1.6) { install.packages...
library(dplyr) library(nycflights13) There are several verbs most commonly used in dplyr to modify datasets. select Select tailnum, type, model variables from the dataframe planes: select(planes, tailnum, type, model) ## # A tibble: 3,322 × 3 ## tailnum type mode...
Helper functions are used in conjunction with select to identify variables to return. Unless otherwise noted, these functions expect a string as the first parameter match. Passing a vector or another object will generate an error. library(dplyr) library(nycflights13) starts_with starts_with al...

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