Tutorial by Examples

If you want to connect to an HBase server, first you need to make sure that the IP of the server is in your /etc/hosts file for example add the line hbase Then you can use the Java API to connect to zookeeper, you only have to specify the client port and the zookeeper address ...
In HBase, data are stored in tables with columns. Columns are regrouped in column families, which can be for example "personal" or "professional", each of these containing specific informations. To create a table, you need to use the Admin Object, create it using : Admin admin ...
In HBase, you can use 4 types of operations Get : retrieves a row Put : inserts one or more row(s) Delete : delete a row Scan : retrieves several rows If you simply want to retrieve a row, given its row_key you can use the Get object: Get get = new Get(Bytes.toBytes("my_row_key")...
Basically, the Scan object retrieves all the rows from the table, but what if you want to retrieve only the rows where the value of a given column is equal to something ? Let me introduce you the Filters, they work like the WHERE in SQL. Before starting using the filters, if you know how your row_k...

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