Tutorial by Examples

Currently it contains rules for following libraries:- ButterKnife RxJava Android Support Library Android Design Support Library Retrofit Gson and Jackson Otto Crashlitycs Picasso Volley OkHttp3 Parcelable #Butterknife -keep class butterknife.** { *; } -keepnames class * { @butterk...
For enabling ProGuard configurations for your application you need to enable it in your module level gradle file. you need to set the value of minifyEnabled true. You can also enable shrinkResources true which will remove resources that ProGuard flaggs as unused. buildTypes { release { ...
If you want to remove calls to certain methods, assuming they return void and have no side affects (as in, calling them doesn't change any system values, reference arguments, statics, etc.) then you can have ProGuard remove them from the output after the build is complete. For example, I find this ...
Obfuscation is often considered as a magic solution for code protection, by making your code harder to understand if it ever gets de-compiled by hackers. But if you're thinking that removing the Log.x(..) actually removes the information the hackers need, you'll have a nasty surprise. Removing al...
ProGuard allows the developer to obfuscate, shrink and optimize his code. #1 The first step of the procedure is to enable proguard on the build. This can be done by setting the 'minifyEnabled' command to true on your desired build #2 The second step is to specify which proguard files are we using...

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