Tutorial by Examples

Getting zsh zsh is available on many UNIX-like platforms via their built-in package management systems. On the Debian and Ubuntu Linux distributions, zsh is available in the default package repositories and can be installed using: $ sudo apt-get install zsh # or, on newer Ubuntu distributions $ ...
When starting Zsh, it'll source the following files in this order by default: /etc/zsh/zshenv Used for setting system-wide environment variables; it should not contain commands that produce output or assume the shell is attached to a tty. This file will always be sourced, this cannot be overrid...
To alias a command in you ~/.zshrc file, you can use the following syntax: alias [alias-name]="[command-to-execute]" For example, it is common to execute the command ls -a. You can alias this command as la as such: alias la="ls -a" After reloading the ~/.zshrc file, you w...
zsh loads configuration from the ~/.zshrc file on startup. If you make changes to that file, you can either restart zsh or run the following command to reload the configuration. . ~/.zshrc You can alias this useful command in your ~/.zshrc like this: alias reload=". ~/.zshrc"

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