Tutorial by Examples

Less has been one of the most popular CSS Pre-processors, and has also been widely deployed in numerous front-end frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation, etc. The Less Compiler is a JavaScript based compiler, which can be obtained from a Content Delivery Network: <script src="//cdnjs.cloudfl...
The following example is a sample Less file which shows how variables are declared and used, how mixins are defined and called in Less. /* Variables */ @color-base: #87ceeb; /* Simple mixin to set border */ .set-border(@width; @style; @color) { border: @width @style darken(@color, 10%); ...
lessc [options] <source> [destination] The above command is used to compile Less files in the command line. Options are the various settings that the compiler should use either during compilation or after compilation. Options include -x or --compress for compressing or minifying the output ...
In Less you can write much more simple CSS rules and also keep them well formatted, so instead of writing this code: CSS .item { border: 1px solid; padding: 4px; } .item .content, .item .image { float: left; } .item .content { font-size: 12px; } .item .image { width: 300px; }...
The @import statement allows you to insert CSS/Less code from another file into your own CSS/Less file. .foo { background: #900; } @import "my-other-css-file.css"; @import "my-other-less-file.less";

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