Tutorial by Examples

In the root of your ionic app, there is a gulpfile.js file. Open it in an editor and paste the following gulp task: gulp.task('lint', function() { return gulp.src(['./www/js/**/*.js']) .pipe(jshint('.jshintrc')) .pipe(jshint.reporter('jshint-stylish')) .pipe(jshint...
Create a file named '.jshintrc' in the root of your app, where package.json is. *Note on windows: create a file named "jshintrc.txt". Then rename it to ".jshintrc." (notice the dot at the end). This is a configuration file. It can for example tell jshint to ignore certain varia...
Create a file named: "Makefile" (with no extension) in the root of your app Open it in a text editor and add this: android: gulp lint gulp sass ionic run android --device ios: gulp lint gulp sass ionic build ios This will lint your app and ...

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