Tutorial by Examples

Paginations in JavaFX use a callback to get the pages used in the animation. Pagination p = new Pagination(); p.setPageFactory(param -> new Button(param.toString())); This creates an infinite list of buttons numbed 0.. since the zero arg constructor creates an infinite pagination. setPageFac...
Pagination p = new Pagination(10); Timeline fiveSecondsWonder = new Timeline(new KeyFrame(Duration.seconds(5), event -> { int pos = (p.getCurrentPageIndex()+1) % p.getPageCount(); p.setCurrentPageIndex(pos); })); fiveSecondsWonder.setCycleCount(Timeline.INDEFINITE); fiveSecondsWon...
ArrayList<String> images = new ArrayList<>(); images.add("some\\cool\\image"); images.add("some\\other\\cool\\image"); images.add("some\\cooler\\image"); Pagination p = new Pagination(3); p.setPageFactory(n -> new ImageView(images.get(n))); Note...

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