Tutorial by Examples

$ sleep 500 & [1] 7582 Puts the sleep command in background. 7582 is the process id of the background process.
$ jobs [1] Running sleep 500 & (wd: ~) [2]- Running sleep 600 & (wd: ~) [3]+ Running ./Fritzing & First field shows the job ids. The + and - sign that follows the job id for two jobs denote the default job and next candidate def...
$ fg %2 sleep 600 %2 specifies job no. 2. If fg is used without any arguments if brings the last process put in background to the foreground. $ fg %?sle sleep 500 ?sle refers to the baground process command containing "sle". If multiple background commands contain the string, it w...
Press Ctrl + Z to stop a foreground process and put it in background $ sleep 600 ^Z [8]+ Stopped sleep 600
$ bg [8]+ sleep 600 &

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